unit history redone
Enlisted Men                                                            
       State                  Number    01. Alabama                                02. Arkansas                       
03. California   
04. Colorado       
05. Connecticut              
06. Delaware     
07. Florida                  
08. Georgia       
09. Illinois                   
10. Indiana          
11. Iowa                
12. Kansas                  
13. Kentucky            
14. Louisiana 
15. Maryland              
16. Massachusetts      
17. Michigan
18. Minnesota
19. Mississippi                           20. Missouri           
21. Montana   
22. Nebraska                        
23. New Hampshire           
24. New Jersey            
25. New York                
26. North Carolina             
27. Ohio                        
28. Oklahoma                
29. Oregon                            
30. Pennsylvania                
31. Rhode Island                     
32. South Carolina               
33. South Dakota                 
34. Tennessee                          
35. Texas                              
36. Vermont                         
37. Virginia                           
38. Washington                  
39. West Virginia               
40. Wisconsin                                           
Total EM    
page 6)
Ltr,  793d FA Bn.,  Unit History,  Calendar Year 1944.         ( Continued )

                            e. Marches:

                                  1.  Return from Tenn., Maneuver Area to home station (Fort Bragg, N.C.)
                                  2. Approximately 200 mikes per day.
                                  3. 17  Jan 44  -  vicinity Murfresboro, Tennessee to Newport, Tennessee.
                                       18 Jan 44  -  Newport, Tennessee.
                                  4. Roads - Excellent; weather clear and cold.
                                  5. 10 ton Wrecker caught on fire in Ashville, Tennessee, resulting in total
                                      destruction.  No casualties.

                            f.  Campaigns

  NAME                     DURATION                 AUTH. FOR PARTICIPATION                         
Normandy                 25 June - 24 July   -  Letter AG 200.6 OpGA, HQ, ETOUSA, dated 16 Nov 44,
                                                                       Sub: Battle Participation Awards/Normandy Campaign No.1.

Northern France       25 July - 14 Sept  -   Letter AG 200.6 OpGA, HQ, ETOUSA, dated 1 Dec  44,
                                                                       Sub: Battle Participation Awards - Northern France
                                                                      Campaign No.1.

Western Germany   15 Sept -                 Not yet terminated.

                            g.  Battles :

                                      Not yet determined by higher headquarters.

                            h.  Commanding Officer in important engagements:
                                  1.       (a)    Normandy Campaign
                                            (b)    Northern France Campaign
                                            (c)    Western Germany Campaign

                                  2.       ROBERT L. CROWNOVER, Lt. Colonel, Field Arty.
(page 7)
Ltr,  793d FA Bn.,  Unit History,  Calendar Year 1944.         (Cont'd)

                            i.  Losses in Action;  Officers and Enlisted Men:
                                                           NORMANDY CAMPAIGN                      
                             First Lieutenant       Paul E. Gordon                          Killed
                             First Lieutenant       Donald C. Roman                     Killed
                             Corporal                    George W.J. LaMora                Wounded      
                             Private                       Paul (NMI) Skeens                  Wounded

                                                 NORTHERN FRANCE CAMPAIGN                      
                             Pfc                              Edward K Smetka                      Killed
                             Private                       William T. Adema                     Killed
                             Techn 4th Gr.           Richard P. Godbout                  Wounded      
                             Techn 5th Gr            Manuel H. Domingoes             Wounded
                             Pfc                              Andrew (MNI) Sutkocy           Wounded
                                                                 WESTERN GERMANY                                                       
                             Techn 4th Gr           Samuel S. Sollami                       Killed
                             Techn  5th Gr          Fennie (NMI) Reue                    Wounded
                             2nd Lt.                       Henry A. Patin                           Wounded      
                             Private                       Michael M. Monteferante        Wounded

                            j.   Former and Present members who have  distinguished themselves in action

                                                                    SILVER STAR MEDAL
                             First Lieutenant       Paul E. Gourdon                        Normandy Campaign
                            First Lieutenant       Donald C. Roman                     Normandy Campaign
                             Major                         Sam F. Warren                           Western Germany Campaign

                                                                    BRONZE STAR MEDAL
                                                  Lieutenant Colonel                Robert L. Crownover                    
                                                 Major                                        Edward J.F. Roesch                        
                                                  Major                                        Sam F. Warren     
                                                  Captain                                     Eugene (NMI) Chase
                                                  Captain                                     Anthony  P. Bonnaffon
                                                  Captain                                     Alexander T McElroy
                                                  Captain                                     Ernest S. Pavy
                                                  Captain                                     Clifford C. Rorex
                                                  Captain                                     Raymond A. Smith Jr.
                                                  Captain                                     Charles H. Svihra
                                                  Captain                                     Thurston Twigg-Smith
                                                  First Lieutenant                      Rolland L. Taylor
                                                  Technical Sergeant                Robert F Currence
                                                  Technical Sergeant                Dean  W. Welch
                                                  Staff Sergeant                         Robert E. Bocock
  (page 8 )                                      Staff Sergeant                         Leo L. Bondi
                                                  Staff Sergeant                         Marvin S. Evans
                                                  Staff Sergeant                         Leif E. Frevik
                                                  Staff Sergeant                         Bert R. Meeks
                                                  Staff Sergeant                         Ralph L. Peterson
                                                  Staff Sergeant                         Floyd E. Shannon
                                                  Staff Sergeant                         Fred C Shuler   
                                                  Staff Sergeant                         Harvey P. Stobbe
                                                  Staff Sergeant                         Frank A. Wallin
                                                  Staff Sergeant                         Sidney S. Zyjewski
                                                  Sergeant                                   Robert DiChristinzi
                                                  Sergeant                                   Robert S Gelonese
                                                  Sergeant                                   Hugh A. Hobbes
                                                  Sergeant                                   Andrew B. Hritz
                                                  Sergeant                                   Anthony J. Pettinato
                                                  Sergeant                                   Clyde B. Savage
                                                  Sergeant                                   Ferdinand C. Tebbe
                                                  Techn 4th Gr                           William  A. Sheppard
                                                  Corporal                                   Leroy J. Albro
                                                  Corporal                                   Herbert W. Glancy
                                                  Corporal                                   John P. Tjalma
                                                  Corporal                                   Cornelious Whitley Jr.
                                                  Techn 5th Gr.                          Earl T. Hartley
                                                  Techn 5th Gr                           Ocie L. Beale    

                                                                              AIR MEDAL
                                                   First Lieutenant                     Ralph O. Bennett                    
                                                  First Lieutenant                     Joseph L. Csatary                        
                                                   First Lieutenant                     Oren T. Snow            
                                                  Techn 4th Gr                           Thomas M. Houser

                            j.   Photographs of personnel, important scenes, or events.


                                                          For the Commanding Officer:

                                                                                        ALEXANDER T. McELROY
                                                                                         Capt., 793rd F.A. Bn.,
                                                                                         Acting Executive




       State                     01. Arkansas            
02. California            
03.Colorado                04.Connecticut          05.Florida           
06.Idaho                      07.Illinois          
08. Indiana                09.Massachusetts10.Michigan 
12.New Jersey
13.New Mexico
14.New York
15.North Carolina
19.Terr. Of Hawaii

Total Officers
3            526


A.P.O 339
                                                                                                                                                              24 January 1945

SUBJECT: Unit  History, Calendar year 1945.
TO            : Commanding General, Ninth United States Army, A.P.O.  339 U.S. Army.

                  1.  In compliance with the AR 345-105, paragraph 11 b , dated 18 November 1929 and Memorandum No. 10, Section III, paragraph 2, your headquarters, dated 7 January 1945, the following unit history of this unit is submitted for the calendar year 1944.
                  2.   a. Original Unit:
                            1.     793d Field Artillery Battalion 
                            2.     14 March 1943
                            3.     Fort Bragg, North Carolina.
                            4.     Letter, Headquarters., Second Army, AG 322.0125 (GNMBF)  Subject,  Letter Order                                        No. A-150 (Activation of 793d Field Artillery Battalion 155mm Gun, Motorized)                                              dated  19 February   1943, as amended by letter, same headquarters, same file                                                  number,  Subject, Order No. A-150 (Activation of 793d Field Artillery Battalion, 8”                                         Howitzer Motorized ) dated 7 April 1943.
                            5.     Sources from which personnel were obtained:
                                   a.  Cadre: 99 EM – 5 O’s from 195th FA Reg., Fort Ord, California,  4 March 1943.
                                   b.  Fillers:  539 EM from Camp McQuaide Coast Artillery Rep Trng Center,                                                           California, 10 March 1943
                                        42 EM From Camp Robinson BIRTC, Arkansas. 31 March 1943
                                        62 EM From Camp Perry Reception Center, Ohio, 29 April 1943
                                   c.  Over 95% of these men had been inducted into the Army through the draft laws.
(page 4)
Ltr.  793rd FA Bn., Unit History, Calendar Year 1944. (Continued)

                                  d.  A breakdown, as to the States from which personnel entered the Army, as of 222                                            Jan 45 appears below
Ltr,  793d FA Bn.,  Unit History,  Calendar Year 1944.         ( Cont )  
                                  b. Changes in Organization and Assignment:
1  Jan    -   17  Jan
19 Jan    -    1  Apr
  2 Apr   -   16 Apr
17 Apr   -   25 May
26 May  -   24 June
25 June  -   29 June
30 June  -   27 July
28 July   -   15 Aug
16 Aug   -   20 Aug
21 Aug   -   24 Aug
25 Aug   -   28 Aug
20 Aug   -   18 Sept
19 Sept  -   28 Sept         29 Sept  -     7 Oct
  8 Oct    -    19 Oct
20 Dec   -    20 Dec
21 Dec   -    31 Dec.
        DATE               ASSIGNED      ATTACHED       FURTHER ATCHD
2d U.S. Army
XIII Corps
1st U.S. Army
1st U.S. Army
1st U.S. Army
1st U.S. Army
1st U.S. Army
1st U.S. Army
1st U.S. Army
1st U.S. Army
1st U.S. Army
1st U.S. Army
1st U.S. Army
1st U.S. Army
9th U.S. Army
9th U.S. Army
XII Corps
79th F.A. Gp.

XIX Corps
XIX Corps
XIX Corps
XIX Corps
XIX Corps
XIX Corps
XIX Corps
XIX Corps
32d FA Brig
XIX Corps           XIX Corps
XIX Corps           XIX Corps           XIX Corps
119th F.A. Gp.
228th F.A. Gp.
119th F.A. Gp.
179th F.A. Gp.
258th F.A. Gp.
228th F.A. Gp.
258th F.A. Gp.
79th   F.A. Gp.
258th F.A. Gp.
119th F.A. Gp.
                                   c. Strength Commissioned and Enlisted:

1.     40 Officers      2 Warrant   O's    546  EM

2.      Jan., EM - 5;   March, EM - 12;   Aug, O's - 2;   Oct, EM - 1;   Nov.,  EM - 3;            Dec,  O's - 1;
3.      Feb., EM - 2,  O's - 1;   March, O's - 13;   May, EM - 2;   June, Em - 1,
         O's - 1;   July, EM - 13;    Aug., EM - 8;  Sept., EM - 7;    Dec,  EM - 1.
4.     27 Officers      2 Warrant   O's    533  EM
                                   d. Stations (permanent and temporary)
Arrived             Departed
Tennessee Maneuver Area                  Fort Bragg ,   N. C.  
Camp Kilmer, N. J. 
Grittleton Summer Tent Camp
Wilks, England                    
Vicinity Camp Knook
(Salisbury Plain,  England )
European Combat Zone                                                                
8 Nov  43           17  Jan   44                        
19 Jan   44            1  Apr  44  
2 Apr   44           4-5   Apr  44
18 Apr  44           22 May 44

23 May 44           19 June 44
25 June 44    -      "B" & Hq Btries
27 June 44    -      "A" & "C" Btries.
29 June 44    -      Service Battery

(page 1)
314.7     (AG)                                                             3 Ind.
HQ XIX CORPS,  APO 270, 28 January 1945

TO: Commanding General, Ninth U.S. Army,  APO 339.

                          For the Commanding General:

1 Incl   n/c                                                                                                   
                                                                                                ELLIOT ROTHENBERG                                                                                                                            CWO USA
                                                                                             Asst AG

(page 2)            
                                                                               1st Ind                                    GAC/dja

HEADQUARTERS, 119TH Field Artillery Group, APO 339, U.S. Army, 25 January 1945.

TO: Commanding General, Ninth U.S. Army,  APO 339, U.S. Army.

THRU:   Commanding General, XIX Corps Artillery, APO 270, U.S. Army.

                1.  Approved
                                    For the Commanding Officer:

                                                                                                          GEORGE A. CULP
                                                                                                              Lt Colonel, FA

TO:  Commanding General,  XIX Corps, APO 270.
                  For the Commanding General:

                                                                                                         B.H. WHITFIELD
                                                                                                          Capt, FA
1 Incl: Unit History
            793d FA Bn


    On the 31 August 1939, Nazi Germany, under Adolf Hitler, having reached the limit of territorial gains by threat and bluff, declared open warfare against Poland. Within a week Europe was aflame when England and France signed' a declaration of war against the aggressor, Germany.   Previous to this, the Japanese had been waging undeclared war against China and had over ran Manchuria and set up a puppet government.

    In the months that followed, after Germany’s quick conquest of Poland, the so called “phoney war” ensued.  The French feeling secure behind their so called “impregnable” Maginot line and their large and “invincible” army failed to attack.  England was definitely not ready for warfare and frantically raised an army and converted all industry to wartime production.

    About this time President Roosevelt launched his campaign of prepardness by instituting such measures through Congress as Lend Lease and Selective Service.

    At this time the United States had a regular army of approximately 100,000 and practically no trained reserves. The Selective Service Act was designed to augment this Army by drafting selected personnel, by lot, for one years military training. In the fall of 1940, this plan was inaugurated but by this time Germany had already conquered France and was subjecting England to unpresedented aerial bombing and submarine warfare.  While all eyes were on Germany, the United States was catapulted into the war by a savage Japanese air raid on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii which caused untold damage to our navy.  By 9 December 1941 the United States had declared war on the Axis Powers, Japan, Germany, and Italy.


    From the inception of the Selective Service Act in 1940 until the end of 1942, the Army of the United States grew by leaps and bounds.  Replacement centers and Officer Candidate Schools were turning out men and officers by the thousands, but still few fighting units were being formed.  It is true that some new divisions as well as refitted Regular Army divisions saw action in Africa and the Pacific, but the great majority of the "new" army were just completing their basic training.

    About this time the Army Ground Forces master plan for the formation of units was put into effect. On the 24 January 1943, the 2d Army of the United States was ordered to activate a specific number of Field Artillery Battalions during the month of March 1943. Among these was the 793d Field Artillery Battalion. From that date until the middle of April the Chaos and confussion caused by paper work, cadres, fillers, Higher Headquarters, and various Commanding Officers reigned supreme.  Let us try to wade through the records as to what happened.  On 17 February 1943., 2d Army requisitioned enough officers and men for an 8" GUN Bn. Two days later on 19 February, 2d Army issued an official order stating that the 793d F.A. Battalion would be activated on 4 March 43 as a 155mm GUN Bn, motorized and would be attached to the 15th F.A. Brigade. On the 23 February 43, this nebulous battalion was attached to the 22d F.A. Brigade and further attached to the 193d F.A. Group. On 5 March, 2d Army again designated that we would be an 8" GUN battalion, so on 14 March 43 when the Cadre arrived from the 195th F.A. Battalion (8" Howitzer) in the Animal Area at Fort Bragg, N.C. Every thing seemed quite settled except for the fact that the Battalion was issued the old GPF 155mm Guns.

    The Cadre was quickly organized into a battalion set up by Major Sonneheim, Battalion Commander, and police of the area was immediately begun, but before anything definate could be accomplished, the fillers arrived from Camp Mcquade, California on 18 March 1943.  The need for a training schedule was forgotten in view of the immediate problem of painting white, posts with red tops, building board sidewalks, and transplanting the sandy landscape from the gutters back into the terraces. Battalion Commanders changed rapidly, the count being six in 24 days, but on 7 April, 2d Army ammended our activation orders .to designate us as an 8” Howitzer Battalion. The following day, Lieutenant Colonel Crowdus took command of the battalion and we were attachd to the 79th F.A. Group under command of Colonel “Uncle Looie” Laval. Shortly thereafter, we moved to the Motorized Area in Fort Bragg.



    The barracks in the Motorized Area were unique in that they were built on the side of a hill. To most people, such a statement brings to mind beautiful terraces and enchanted vistas, but in that desolate, sun drenched dessert called Fort Bragg, it was nothing but a headache to the officers and men of the 793d F.A. Battalion. Torrential showere would daily decend upon the white hot landscape without warning, and within 20 minutes a full morning of painstaking raking and brooming of the battery area would be washed out, leaving unsightly gullies and rain spotted fence posts. Naturally such an unmilitary area could not be tolerated, so the current training schedule would. again be called off and rakes, brooms, paint brushes and shovels would occupy the battalion for the rest of the day. Barracks, Orderly Rooms, Furnace Rooms, and Mess Halls were subjected to frequent and numerous inspections and it was a common sight to see a Mess Sergeant giving "Dress Right Dress" to his garbage rack just before revielle. Paint and paint brushes were given high priority in those early days of training. The 79th F.A. Group had a reputation to uphold, that of using more paint than the rest of the post combined, and the 793d held up their end in the paint slinging derby.   Vehicles, howitzers, GI cans, shovels, axes, and helmets were painted OD.  Motors, concrete floors, mechanics tools and furnaces were painted grey. And who will ever forget those phallic symbols, the white posts with the red tops.

    Despite all this, a training program was started and by the time Lt Col Crowdus was relieved of command of the battalion on 3 May 43, we were into our third week of training. Major Linquist took command immediately and ofter a dramatic meeting with the battalion officers, he also was relieved in favor of Major Tyree, the battalion executive officer. It was about this time that the smart gamblers in the battalion started laying  odds to anyone who would attempt to name the,Battalion Commander who would appear at revielle the next morning.
    Under the command of Major Tyree, the battalion underwent it’s first and only command inspection. Saturday morning inspections with puptents lined up and full field equipment displayed, had been a regular weekly occurance (weather
permitting), but the Command Inspection was to be the granddaddy of them all. Not only was each piece of equipment in the battalion to be displayed on the drill field but each man was to be tested in the subjects taught under the mobilization training    program. For four days the survey sections ??  diligently on the drill field. Every tent peg, vehicle tire, howitzer trail, screw driver, skid chain, and field range was staked out with infinate care, using transit and tape. The rest of the battalion cleaned, scrubbed and painted every available item of equipment within reach. Sectional equipment was arranged and rearrainged until a standard for display was decided upon and then conformed to rigidly. Barracks were scrubbed and windows polished until they sparkled. Posts were painted SOP colors again.

    The 23d of May was the day set for the big show, but on the previous evening. the inevitable happened. Major Tyree was relieved of his command to depart for immediate overseas duty, and Major Chase assumed command of the battalion for the third time. As for the Command Inspection, it would. go on as scheduled.

    The next morning, Colonel Leavell initiated proceedings by inspecting The. full field display of the Battalion Staff Officers. At the display of the third officer in line he stopped, picked up a mess knife, and threw it down with distaste setting up a clatter of mess gear. As if by signal inspecting teams decended on the awaiting personnel with critical eyes, and hundreds of questions.  After hours. of sweating it out under the broiling hot sun, the following comments were offered:  1.  The display wasn't bad.  2. The battalion was not ready for MTP tests.  3.  The Group would help by testing the battalion regularly. 4. The officers were restricted - again

    The next three weeks found the battalion frantically trying to make up for the valuable training time lost.  Field problems were conducted regularly and the evenings were spent drilling the men in answering canned questions on Military Courtesy, Field Sanitation, Articles of War, Map Reading, Chemical Warfare, and other basic subjects. Group inspections hounded the men and officers on all sides, but neverthe less, police of the area went on, and eye wash was the order of the day. However, by 13 June 43, the XII Corps inspecting team was on hand to test the battalion in the Mobilization Training Program. By a happy coincedence the site picked for the test was one on which we had conducted most of our practice problems and by the evening of the 13 June we were given the verdict - MTP was finished  - we had passed.


    After passing the M.T.P. Tests, which was in reality a test of the individual, the next phase of training was designed to weld the individuals of each firing battery into a unit. How ever, the strenuous three weeks which the battalion had undergone, had taken its toll and a natural let down ensued. This lasted for about one week and once again all hell broke loose.  Paint brushes, brooms, rakes, shovels were brought out and for a while it looked as if garrison duty as usaul would be in force.

    Major Chase had been in command of the battalion for over a month, but such things were not to be. On 1 August 1943, Lieutenant Colonel ROBERT {Battling Bob) HENDLEY took command and one of the most rigorous periods in the battalion's history commenced. Every other week was spent in the field and predawn road marches were scheduled three days a week. Rifle practice and trigger squeeze were practiced endlessly with "Battling Bob" personally supervising every man. All personnel were rated on a hypothetical "Jap Killing" ability and physical fitness was stressed to the limit. By the end of August each battery had become a fighting unit, so during the week of 4 September 1943, the Battery tests were conducted. Each battery was out to beat the other two and as a result all the batteries sailed ,through the tests with an average of well over 90%. It was a remarkable showing and everyone was well pleased. The battalion was bivouaced in the field that week and the nightly celebrations at the Field P.X. was the best possible training for our coming trip to Fort Jackson, South Carolina.

    The 100th Infantry Division had arranged a combined Infantry artillery demonstration to be staged for the benefit of the Brazilian Ambassador and his Military Staff.  Being the only 8" Howitzer outfit in the east with firing experience, we were invited to participate. This demonstration was to be held on the 18th of
September 1943, but as several practice runs were to be staged prior to the actual event the battalion departed from Fort Bragg on the morning of 11 September and arrived in the bivouac area at Fort Jackson by that evening. Our camp was Quickly established and a liberal pass policy to the town of Columbia, South Carolina was adopted. What followed was all that could be expected from group of men who had  been living a rigorous life in the woods for two months. Columbia had a goodly supply of spirit rations, and the men and officers alike tried to drink the town dry. By the end of the first evening, some 50 men had been coralled by the local military police, but after local rules were explained the battalion spend what was probably the most enjoyable week in its history.  On the 18 September, the very effective demonstration went off without mishap and the following day the battalion was on its return trip to Fort Bragg.

    The Army Ground Force Battalion Firing. Tests were scheduled to be given in early November so training was immediately started with these tests in mind.  Numerous service practices were scheduled and speed of maneuver was stressed Before this schedule was completely under way however, we had another change of Battalion commanders.  On the 29th of September, Lieutenant Colonel Hendley  was relieved and once again Major Chase took over.  This made the fourth time Major Chase had been given command of the battalion, and both the officers and men were hoping it would be permanent, but on 9th October, after an inspection of mess halls by the Group Commander, Major Chase was relieved and Major Crownover assumed command. He was the 13th Battalion Commander in the seven months since activation, but the so called unlucky thirteen proved a lucky number because Major Crownover stayed in command and led the battalion  throughout all of it's combat.

    In the meantime, the battalion was diligently getting ready for the coming AGF Firing tests. Two and three times a week practice runs would be made, closely supervised. by group inspecting officers and the battalion developed speed and accuracy.  These tests were designed for testing light artillery, but by making minor changes they could be applied to the large caliber weapons and although the time element seemed unfair, we were confident that we could pass all three tests. Test I was a rapid occupation of position and a speedy adjustment and massing of fire without the use of maps. Test II was again a rapid occupation of position and a quick survey, using aerial photographs from which targets were located and fired upon.   Test III, was a slow deliberate occupation of position in which survey was completed without the use of maps, night firing was performed, and fires were massed on selected targets.  On the morning of 1 November,12th Corps testing team ran the battalion through test II which was passed with colors flying. The following day, we were given Test I.  The occupation of position and the establishment of a communication net was quickly completed, and it looked as if we were well on our way with registrations started early.  Then as often happens in such cases, every thing went wrong at once.  An officer, making a precision adjustment, fired  is whole battery for effect just when the adjustment was about complete.  Another officer, sensed some one else's round during adjustment and never did get his fire for effect near the target. Those two mistakes loped 25 points off our score and the battalion had failed its first test.  Test III was mere routine firing and a high mark was made on 3-4 November. It is true the Battalion's average grade for the 3 tests was above passing but nevertheless we had to be retested in Test I. The date for the retest was not scheduled because instructions had already been received ordering the outfit to Tennessee for combined Winter Maneuvers.  On the morning of 8 Nov 1943 the battalion left Fort Bragg, and by 10 November we were in the Maneuver Area, near Murfreesboro, Tenn.


    It was about two in the morning when the battalion pulled into its first bivouac area in Tennessee on a cold foggy night.  The last 100 miles of our 500 mile march had been completely blacked out, but being field soldiers we finally pitched our tents and got bedded down on the damp ground. For the next few days we were kept busy organizing our camp, cleaning equipment and getting our howitzers and tractors from the rail head at Carthage Junction some 70 miles away. The first problem of the maneuver was not scheduled to begin until the morning of 22 November, so our physical conditioning schedule was brought out and physical tests scheduled for the end of the week of 15 November.  Pig-a-back races, push ups, speed marches., gymnastics, and sprints took their toll in sore backs and aching muscles but a well stocked Field P.X., supplemented by some silo juice and other unauthorized diversions, kept the men within sight of the camp fires at night. The nearby town of Murfreesboro was declared off limits after a curfew hour, and as there was nothing there anyway, the order was generally obeyed. By the 19 November, all the physical tests had been conducted, and in spite of a few upset stomachs and sprains and bruises, all batteries passed with high scores.

    On the morning of 22 November 1943, the first problem of the maneuver was scheduled. The Blue forces were to combat the Reds in a meeting engagement somewhere between the towns of Murfreesboro and Lebanon Tennessee. The 793d was assigned to the numerically weaker Red forces and throughout the maneuver the battalion remained with the weaker side.  On the first day, the Blue forces were cautious and were driven back by the Red 35th Infantry Division, so at about one oclock in the morning of the second day orders were issued for an immediate forward displacement by the 793d. It was a bitterly cold moonless night, but the first of a long series of midnight reconnaissances was made and by daylight the battalion was in its new position ready to fire. By the same afternoon the Blue attack was underway and our guns were within 500 yards of the front lines. Our appeal to make a retrograd movement was denied so until the end of the problem we fought from that position. From that forward psition we made maximum use of our shelling command posts and supply installations far to the rear, at times we fired point blank at advancing Infantry colums, we knocked out tanks with bazookas and sent out patrols with machine guns and rifles to defend our position against outflanking doughboys.  Tactically we had no business being where we were but aggressiveness and guts kept us from being captured. On the fourth day of the problem a steady cold rain began to fall. It was the fore runner of many more such rains, but it was also Thanksgiving Day.  To many of the men it was their first Thanksgiving away from home and eating Turkey out of a mess kit gradually filling up with rain water was no help to the morale, but late that afternoon the problem was declared finished and after closing in our new bivouac area, passes to Nashville were issued.
    Now if you are not a native of Tennessee, Nashville is not much of a city. It is smoky, dirty and bleak in the winter but there are hotels with clean comfortable beds, restaurants with hot food, bars, and soda fountains where a thirst can be quenched and friendly, good looking girls who are not adverse to speaking, dancing, or generally fraternizing with soldiers.  To the troops of the 793d in particular and the maneuver area in general it was the haven to which everyone would turn after a week of cold, mud, rain, ice, and snow in those barren hills of Tennessee. Is it any wonder that when an American soldier is asked about Tennessee Maneuvers, typically he will forget his discomforts and say “What a time we had in Nashville”.

    For the next seven weeks, we fought the numerically stronger Blue forces all over the hills and rivers of Tennessee.  The battalion was always on the defensive but always dishing out more than it took.  Our observers ranged far and wide with an aggressiveness ans system that later paid high dividends in combat.  Midnight displacements through knee deep mud and zero weather developed a espirit d'cap between the men and officers despite the bitching and discomfort. Tractors in tandum became the only way to get a piece on the road but still we always had weekends in Nashville.  Christmas and New Years came with snow and ice which later changed to rain and mud, but still the problems moved on.  Lebanon, Carthage Junction, Hartsville, Murfreesboro, and all the Queerly named towns like Defeat and Difficult were the places we fought in while we crossed and recrossed the Cumberland River. During one problem we theoretically shelled a bridge for two days while the whole Blue Army searched for our observer from "C" Battery. Such were Tennessee Maneuvers, but they had taught the battalion much. We could now move, shoot, communicate and abserve with the best of them and the war Department had given us an A-2 Priority.  We were a hot outfit scheduled for shipment overseas just as soon as they could get us a boat.  Thats what we thought, but we were to learn different when we arrived back at Fort Bragg on 19 January 1944.  Back there we learned about P. O..M.


    The last months at Fort Bragg were again spent in the old.  Motorized Area but the name had now been changed to the Artillery Area, and with good reason. Numerous newly converted and newly activated battalions had been assigned to the Post, and all the heavy artillery was squeezed into the one area.  Living quarters were cramped but the old standard of eye wash had been discarded and after three months of living in the field it was quite comfortable.  On 27 January 1944, Lieutenant Colonel Crownover, the Battalion Commander, received a letter advising him about POM (Preparation for Overseas Movement) and inviting him to call on the Post Commander for help in conducting Show Down Inspections.  From that day on, the whole battalion became concious of a multipaged booklet entitled POM, but that was only one phase of our schedule before we were ocean bound.  Schools were to be attended by selected personnel and on 28 January, all tractor mechanics left for the Allis Chalmers Springfield Works in Illinois.  The old Army Ground Forces Firing Test I was still to be passed and during February weekly service practices were conducted in the field.  Everyone was to be given a furlough before leaving the states and this policy was inaugurated immediately. Our hard won physical hardness was in danger of being lost, so to counteract this, road marches were scheduled and one hour of organized physical conditioning were conducted each morning.  Part of this period was taken up by a game of mass mayhem, laughingly called "football" The game consisted of lining up each half of a battery about 100 yards apard and at a given signal throwing a volley ball in the center. There was evidently some rule or other that had to do with the ball but the majority of the men just pitched in and tried to do as much damage to the other side as possible.  It is a tribute to the physical conditioning program that so few of the personnel ended up in the hospital.   Another equally strenuous but purely extra curricular sport was that of “baiting” the other two battalions who shared the Post Exchange. Hardly a night would pass in which the Guard was not turned out to quell a free for all about closing time.  However, it was a good natured and spontaneous rivilry and no appreciable harm was done.

    The month of February passed Quickly and on the last day of the month, the 29th a testing team from XIII Corps Artillery reexamined the battalion in AGF Firing Test I.  This time there was no doubt or hesitation on the part of anyone.  Long before the two hour time limit was up, the battalion had passed with a high average.  All we needed now was movement orders.

    The same day our Old friends from Fort Jackson and Tennessee Maneuvers, the lOOth Infantry Division, who were now also stationed at Fort Bragg; invited the battalion to assist in another combined infantry artillery demonstration to be given in honor of Under Secretary of War ROBERT P. PATTERSON. This demonstration was taken in stride.  On the afternoon of 2 March, the battalion went into position and engaged in a short practice session.  The next morning an impressive show was put on in which the “highly professional and efficient manner of performance" display by the battalion was highly commended by Major General Burress, Commander of the lOOth Infantry Division.

    During the month of March, rumors ran rampant throughout the battalion. Most were agreed that our destination would be England, but a large number held out for Africa, Italy, und even the Pacific. Show-down inspections of clothing and equipment went on endlessly, intelligence lectures and the showing of required movies along with the physical program made up our training schedule. Rumors of a departure date sprang up and were quickly suppressed because only a very few staff officers knew the facts.  On 11 March the battalion was alerted to be ready for movement on short notice.  That sounded the signal for a horde of carpenters who started crating our minimum essential items of equipment or, that equipment we were taking with us. On 20 March 1944, the Advance Detachment slipped from the Post and no mention of their going was made.  The following day the rest of the battalion received the call ordering them arrive at Camp Kilmer, N.J. by 2 April 1944. The next week was devoted to increased show down inspections and the turning in of equipment.  Even at this late date only a few close mouthed officers knew the exact date of departure but wives and families were ordered home and rumors spread like wild fire.  On 1 April 1944, the battalion was assembled and marched to the railroad siding.  Even then more than half of the battalion believed it to be a dry run and it wasn't until we were well on our way to Camp Kilmer, N.J. that everyone was convinced that this was the real thing.

    Our stay at the Camp Kilmer staging area was short, but unforgetable.  Arriving there at 1630 hours on 2 April, we were informed that our boat was waiting for us. and that some kind of a record would have to be set to get us aboard. Our next 36 hours was booked solid. Starting with a complete show down inspection which began immediately and lasted throughout the first night, we followed with lectures, gas chamber, movies, ordnance inspection, immunization shots, boat drill, more lectures, reissue of equipment, and another show down inspection. Sleep was out of the question and officers and men alike were hounded by innumerable and at times confusing orders. Practically every supply sergeant in the battalion was arrested for stealing at least one vehicle but by the morning of 4 April the job was done, Camp Kilmer had set a record and at 0800 the battalion less Headquarters Battery who were left behind for police of area was on its way. After an uneventful train ride to Jersey City, N.J. and a short journey by ferry to the New York pier, we stepped from U.S. soil and by noon had boarded “HMT Arundel Castle”.   Orders had already been issued creating a staff aboard the ship with Lieutenant Colonel Crownover as Commander of Troops and Captain McElroy as Ships Adjutant.

    ”A” Battery was the ships MP detachment with Major Roesch as Provost Marshal. Captain Bonnaffon was to assist the ships gunnery officer by using “B” & “C” Batteries howitzer sections on the ships guns, and Headquarters Battery and Service Battery was to take the submarine watch.  The following day Headquarters Battery boarded ship and at 0905 hours on 6 April we sailed from New York to an undisclosed destination in the United Kingdom.

    Life aboard the Arundle Castle" soon settled down to a daily routine.  Sleeping accomadations were limited and crowded but as most every man in the battalion. had an assigned duty, and shifts were over a 24 hour period there was always a bunk to fall into.  One draw back was the mess.  After the men had gotten over their early cases of sea sickness and finally gotten their sea legs the bitching began in earnest. "Mr. Churchill' as the mess steward was affectionately called was the subject of violent and numerous invectives but on the whole it was a pleasant voyage.  The Battleship USS Texas and numerous destroyers raced through and around our large convoy and although numerous life boat drills were held and “ashcans” seemed constantly jettisoned from the sides of our flanking escourts, little fear from the submarine danger was in evidence.  Rumor had it that two torpedos narrowly missed our ship one night, but as the statement was never confirmed or denied it died the natural death of all rumors.  On the afternoon of 15 April, the coast of Northern Ireland was sighted and by 0200 hours on the 16th the "Arundel Castle” dropped anchor in the Firth of Clyde, Scotland.

    It was from this point that the first member of the battalion reached British soil, Staff Sergeant Marvin E. Evans, Battalion Wire Sergeant, had undergone an emergency appendectomy on the evening of 7 April, and his condition had become increasingly serious by complications. Immediately upon arrival at the anchorage, a message had been flashed ashore and at 0600 S/Sgt Evans was evacuated by launch and ambulance to Glasgow from where he finally recovered and rejoined the battalion in Holland.

    On the afternoon of 16th the “Arundle Castle" was taken in tow and a scenic three hour journey through the beautiful hills of Scotland ensued as we slowly made our way up the River Clyde. The evening the ship docked at King George Pier #5 at Glasgow and the battalion had arrived in the ETO.

    The long train ride from Glasgow to our first camp in England was the battalions first and only introduction to the British Railway System.  The short stubby engine, the various "Classes" of coaches with their separate compartments and enterances, and the diminutive box cars were a novelty but the roadbeds were, good and we moved along at a fair rate.  At the various stops, and there were many, we were first introduced to the British childrens lust for American chewing gum. "Got any gum chum" was the kids greeting we were to hear throughout our stay in England.   At the station stops we first tasted our English meat pie and the general consenses was  - "it stinks".   At 0315 hours on the morning of 18 April the Organization detrained at Badminton, England and from there, after a two hour wait in the inky blackness puncuated by garrulous reminders about blackout and Jerry, motor transportation arrived and we were on at Guttleton Summer Tent Camp, Wiltshire, England.

    The camp as the name implies was a tent camp, with a few scattered Nessen Huts for mess halls and headquarters, but with probably the worst sanitation facilities the battalion has ever encountered.  Showers were of two types, either scoulding hot or ice cold with no happy medium in between. Slit trenches were frowned upon with horror and large buckets were provided for excerta but unnaturally enough we were strictly required to keep the urine separated from the feces.  This led to much bitching and slogan writing the most ,popular of the later being "Peepie before Poopie" and "Urinate then Defecate," but through it all we managed to some extent to comply with the rules.

    Our first weeks in England were taken up mainly with the problems of supply.  The battalion upon arrival had been assigned to the First United states Army and attached to XIX Corps and although these headquarters readily signed releases for our organic equipment it was up to us to seek out the various Service Commands and actually take possession.  As these Service commands were scattered throughout the four corners of England many long and arduous trips through the winding cow paths that the British call roads were required before some of our equipment could even be located.  However on 5 May 44 the Battalion received the remainder of its howitzers and except for a few minor items our organizational equipment was complete. This was a gigantic job done in record time and To Capt Svihra, Mr Meagher and the personnel of the various supply sections of the organization acknowledgement of a fine performance is given.

    While the Battalion was still on the high seas secret orders had been issued alerting us to prepare for a short sea voyage which could mean only one thing - Invasion. Therefore training was resumed as soon as our camp at Grittelton had been organized. In addition to the usual run of the mill training with which we were all familiar specilized but necessary schools were conducted.  Vehicles were waterproofed and run through nearby treams much to the drivers wet discomfort and embarresment when his engine "Knocked out".  Mine and Booby Trap schools gave us our first lessons in the destructive power of primer cord and dynamite blocks as well as the various types of detonators.  Practice loading on landing craft seemed an unsurmountable obstacle for our heavy equipment but it was finally mastered and aircraft identification for our machine gunners was gone over with infinate care.

    But it was not all work, there was plenty of play.  Lt Col Crownover gave orders that one third of the battalion would be allowed five hour passes each evening and the men scound the country side in search of English hospitality.  Bristol, Bath and Chippenham were the larger towns in the vicinity but the smaller towns got most of the play  -  especially Castle Combe. Just what the main attraction there was is hard to say but the men talked of no other town.  A few of the luckier ones visited London but still fewer saw more than Piccadilly circus.  Who wanted to see old ruins with all tat young stuff floating around.

    On 16 May the battalion moved out of the Guttleton Camp to conduct its first field exercise and firing problem since leaving the states.  Various SOP'S of the XIX Corps Artillery had been practiced during our daily training and the exercise was designed to iron out the kinks that were sure to be encountered in the field.  After two days of very satisfactory firing and maneuvering at which time Corps Inspectors visited the positions and OP's and. made on the spot corrections, the battalion returned to Guttleton where it remained for one additional week. .
    The last week in Guttleton was enjoyed by everyone. Especial consideration must be given to the Survey section who were required to stay up after midnight and shoot Polaris - Shot.  It was a special Battle Field course they never had a chance to use in combat- Thank God - but nevertheless good training. As for the rest of the battalion the local towns, taverns, hillsides and lasses rang out with the popular English song “Lay Me Down Roll Me over, Do It Again". Everyone was satisfied.

    On 24 May 44 the battalion moved out of Guutleton Camp on what was thought to be another Service Practice. Again a few officers knew we were leaving for the XIX Corps Arty staging area in Salisbury Plain near Camp Knook, but no one realized the headaches it would incur.  Those         fox holes between pup tents, that 400 meter run to the latrine after reveille, that constantly cold and damp "Spring" weather further complicated by the gentle gale that constantly swept across that ululating plain. Of course, the battalion was immediately marked lousy by Col Jama of the l19th Group under whose command we had been attached.  No such a hell raising outfit could be any good, so once again we were back in garrison.  For the first week inspections swarmed over us like the 7th year Locust Plague but within a week, both officers and men from Lt Col Crownover to Pvt Maires, his orderly, had conformed to the 119th Group standards regardless of their bleeding piles.

    The training on those desolate English Plains can be summed up in these words
Firing Firing Firing. All battalion officers and enlisted men of the survey sections were required to be at service practice 8 hours daily under the direction of Col Crownover, Major "Sam" Warren and Capt "Mac McElroy. The firing batteries had plenty of practice but mostly with the old Schneider 155 Howitzer.  Those little 95 lb. projectiles were good training but only a drop in the bucket to what we were used to.  However, the gunners, chief of sections, and especially the survey NCO's were drilled in the fundementals of firing that paid great dividends in combat.

    The month of May ended with the battalion shivering in their pup tents and hoping that some action would be forth coming to rerelieve us of the daily tedium of inspections.  If the purpose of Group was to get the organization to fighting pitch they had succeeded admirably.  After night fall an officer who inspected the guard took his life in his hands and conducted his inspection accordingly.  Luckly, no one was killed, but during the early morning of 6 June speculation, apprehension and down right fear reigned in the hearts of all the battalion. Bombers, fighters, and reconnaissance planes were overhead constantly and by breakfast we had heard the news. The Invasion was on.

    That same day a few, selected officers were given the cold dope - called Plan Neptune. It was a comprehensive booklet, supplemented by maps, charts, and photographs definitely naming the breach head and build up troops to be at a certain spot when called for.  The 793d were build up troops scheduled to arrive on the Normandy Beach head on D - 13. Due to a series of stupid and "Act of God" circumstances the 793d failed to be where ever or whenever they were wanted by the "doughfoot" for the first and only time in combat.

    How did it happen!!!  Well let’s examine the record
D -11 – 17 June – Lt Col Crownover and Major Roesch start biting finger nails (Major Sam & Cpt. Mac are inverterate  nail fliters so it don’t count)
D -12 - 18 June - Capt Svihra, Sv Btry, starts losing weight (honest) and Capt Pavy, Hq Btry, bawls everyone out and apologizes.
D -13 - 19 June - Capt Smith, A Btry, Capt Bonnoffer “B”  Btry chews every mans ass in sight.
D - 14 - 20 June - Capt Rorex, "C" Btry, says "God Dam, let’s put the show on the road”
D - 15 - 21 June - Lt Col Crownover initiates an extensive search of  all railroad depots in vicinity and turns up with movement orders dated 10 June for the 793d FA Bn. We had been lost in the desolate wilderness of Salisbury Plain!!

    At 21/630 June those orders were back to the camp and by 1930 hours the battalion was on the road to the concentration area near Southampton, England, after an uneventful night we were again on our way to the docks of Southampton and it was 'there, that the Battalion spent the most harrowing days in its life. We waited for transportation to Normandy!

    After setting on the streets of Southampton some 48 hours "B" Btry moved out and started loading its howitzers and equipment on 3 LCT's closely followed by Hq Btry  who were lucky to draw the smoother sailing LST at 1320 hours of 24 June. After several hours in Kowles Bay the convoy moved out and with the luxurious quarters and excellent meals provided by the US Navy, coupled with poker and crap games for that phoney money with which we were all provided, we had landed on the invasion coast before we were aware of our plight.

    Do you remember the Barrage Ballons,' the wrecked LST's, the seemingly towering cliffs, demolished pill boxes, and the immediate speculation that made every submerged object a corpse?  There is no doubt that everyone swallowed, several times from the time they left the LST or LCT until we finally reached our first bivouac area. Nobody really slept that first night in Normandy because those damned cows were still as thick as ants not even counting the dead ones.  As a matter of fact we were all scared as hell so we prayed nd finally decided we could lick the Krauts.  The 793d was on their way.

    On 26 June 1944, the 793rd went to war. Battery B fired the Battalion's first rounds in registering on a target near' the St Lo - La Luzerne road junction.  From then until 13 July the Battalion remained in this position firing whatever missions were directed.  On 4 July Lt Col Crownover and Capt McElroy, while observing  fire from the CP were fired upon by enemy mortars. These were silenced by elimination of the enemy observation post. At the same time the target of the moment -- a castle -- was blasted. by ninety direct hits out of ninety-five rounds expended.

    July 13th the outfit moved forward to support the 29th and 35th Divisions in their projected attack on St Lo Parenthetically it  was now attached to the 119th Field Artillery Group. Almost immediately firing was restricted to five rounds per gun per day. Reason: Ammo shortage.

    July 17th the 29th and 35th Divisions moved forward to attack St Lo. The town was taken on the  18th with relatively little artillery support.  Here began the fast sweeping  offensive that carried the Allied Armies all the way across France.  From this point until the first of September activities were taken up entirely with moving forward, setting up, and firing, and moving forward again. The lines moved forward so rapidly that they seldom remained within , range more than a day.  Indeed,on one occasion they had moved out of range before the battalion could get to its new firing. position. During this period the Battalion supported the 2nd Armored in the capture of Elbeuf and the securing of a bridgehead across the Seine.  It .was transferred to the 258th F.A. Group and very soon thereafter was commended by its C.O. for its speed of movement and occupation of position.  This was undoubtedly justified, but the outfit.  Had to be fast to stay within firing range.

    On 1 September the 793d moved into a rendezvous area to remain until such time as heavy artillery should be needed in combat. They remained there until 18 September. During this time Battalion trucks were used to haul gasoline and the time was used in the care and reconditioning of equipment. ".

    September 19 and 20, the Battalion moved 130 miles forward through Belgium to Holland and on the 20th fired its first mission on German territory -- the town of Geilenkirchen.  From then until the 15th of November activities remained fairly static. working behind the 2nd Armored and the 30th Divisions, the Battalion moved forward only once to Scherpenseel. Twice during this period observation posts had to be moved, because of adverse enemy artillery fire. The Battalion was awarded the bronze battle participation star for the Battle of Normandy.

    On 15 November preparation fire for a 9th Army attack was set up and on the 16th the 9th attacked in conjunction with all the allied armies. In this sector were the 29th, 30th, and 2nd Armored Divisions. The Battalion was directly concerned with and effective in repulsing viscious counter attacks on the 17th.  The fighting at this time was a slow knock-down, drag-out affair.  Every foot of the way was bitterly contested. Julich, which lay in the path of this offensive, remains as terrifying evidence of the effectiveness of artillery. Julich isn’t!

    December 8th the outfit moved to the vicinity of Maastrict, thence on 13 December 42 miles forward to Niedermerz, Germany, and on the 23rd to Ratt, Germany, where it remained through the month of January.  Firing was directed south and East across the Ratgen Forest.  During this time, came the "Battle of the Bulge.”  The Battalion’s position was never directly threatened, but in anticipation of this, reconnaissance was made in the vicinity of Aachen, should retirement become necessary.  At this time, 13 January 1945, credit was given the battalion for participation in the "Battle of Northern France."

    Firing remained negligible until 29 January when the Battalion fired preparation and support missions for an attack by the 78th Division. Shortly thereafter it moved forward to Aldenhoven, Germany.   Followed a period of complete inactivity until the 29th and 30th Divisions battled their way across the Roer River on the 23rd of February.  During the 23rd, 24th  and 25th, 3875 rounds we're expended--up to this time a peak for the unit.

    Here began another period of movement for the Battalion.  On 26 February it moved across the Roer to Mersch, Germany. On that day. Lt Col Crownover, Battalion C.O., was awarded the Silver star for gallantry in action.  To stay within range of the front moves were necessary on 28 February to Garzweiler, Germany, on 2 March to Neuss, Germany, and on 17 March to Rheinberg, Germany.  The front was now the Rhine River. During this period a spectacular success was achieved in firing a large gas dump in Dusseldorf on 6 March.

    On 24 March preparation and support missions were fired for the 9th Army
bridgehead across the Rhine.  A Battalion record of 2412 rounds in a 24 hour period was established. March 30  Lt Col Crownover was awarded the Croix de Guerre avec Palme by the  French. Provisional Government. April 4 the Battalion: moved 90 miles forward to Wiedenbruck, but because of the rapid progress of the front, it was already out of range. Begins another period of extensive movement.  April 7 the Battalion moved to Bad Pyrmont,  9 April to Bodenwerder, 10 April to Hildesheim, 11 April. to Gros Elbe (where the 2nd Armored was already out of range) and on 12 April to Stemmern to support  2nd Armored Division’s bridgehead across the Elbe River. On 14 April the Battalion moved to Wespen and on 15 April to Barby.  Firing was concentrated on the town of Zerbst where it was expected that the Russian and American Armies would meet.  On 25 April the two forces met at Gorcaw.  According to plan the Battalion prepared to move back to Gros Elbe to assume occupational duties.  This plan, however, never materialized.  On 30 April Lt Col Crownover and Lt Duff made the 793d’s own link with the Russians.  Flying a routine reconnaissance mission, they spotted and landed at a Russian Artillery post.

    9 May VE Day  arrived Without further action by the 793d F.A. Bn. In the war in Europe the 793d F.A. Battalion fired 12,488 rounds. Silver stars were awarded to the following men for gallantry in action: Major Warren;  1st Lt C. R. Smith;  Lt Col Crownover;  Tec 4 S. S. Sallami; Capt A. T. McElroy; Capt C. C. Rorex;  1St. Lt K. S. Rosetta.

On 11 May, the unit moved to Alfred to take up occupational duties.  Almost immediately it establishes itself as a military organization with all the embellishments.  Two inch, yellow projectiles were painted on the sides of helmets and helmet liners to distinguish the members of the Battalion.  Reveille and Retreat were instituted.  In the first stages of its occupational activities, the mission was the maintenance of security patrols, check points, miscellaneous guard posts and Prisoner of War enclosure containing 1000 prisoners. Of an extra curricular nature a beer garden was opened and it very nobly justified its existence.

On 29 May, the Battalion moved to Week, a small town adjacent to the city of Giesen. Its mission was to guard a Polish DP Camp, a Russian DP camp, an insane asylum, a bakery, and food warehouse, and to operate four road blocks which were manned 19 hours daily.  Having been placed in category IV, the outfit remained in this situation until the middle of November.  In the overall shuffling that went on in the late spring and early summer, the 793d was absorbed by the 7th Amy and began to experience sweeping changes in its own personnel .  July 5th, Lt Col Arthur M. Capper succeeded Lt Col. Crownover in command of the unit.  Successively the command was passed on to Major Maurice L. Faverbach on 8 August, to Major Alexander T. McElroy on 31 August, to Capt Herbert Calloway on 16 October, and finally on 29 October to Lt Col Lloyd R MacAdam. At this time the battalion personnel were replaced with men having ASR scores between 70 and 80 points and the unit prepared for redeployment.  On 14 November it moved by truck to Camp Baltimore in Suippes, France; thence on' 22 November by rail to the Calas Staging Area in Marseilles. On 30 November, its final day in the ETO, the 793d boarded the liberty ship, Edward Richardson, and set sail for America.  In the words of many a poetic
soldier, "This was it!"